Thursday, January 15, 2015

I Love Him but I'm not Gay !

Hello readers, welcome to my blog !

This is my first time created a blog for myself and I would like to take this opportunity to share my feelings toward anything in my LIFE.

For today, I would like to share about "Good Friend" and how I will describe a good friend?

You may think that my good friend is a person who will :-
  • accompany me anytime, 
  • listen to what I say for hours,
  • don't mind spending money on me,
  • face problems together with me,
  • and many more.
However, the most important thing that a "Good Friend" should have is to be able to make you become yourself and will accept who you are.

My story start here...

In my university life when I entered foundation, I met a person who "slightly retarded" just like me that greet each other "Good morning, Hello, Hi, and Bye" ONLY ! It have been a long time that both of us just greet each other especially when we meet in the gents (toilet). But, god gave me a chance to communicate more with him when we entered in a same group for group assignment. Besides that, we even took the same degree course and this make our relationship more closer. And and.. guess what.. he is also "fresh/weak" in Mandarin language. Mostly people will call us as "Banana" because we are not in Chinese educated and do not know how to read or write in Chinese words although both of us are Chinese.

He is a good friend of mine now that know my real attitude which is "a kid that will never grow up". It means that i'm playful and love to jokes around and I believed that he is just the same as me.

The way we interact, act stupid faces, and sing together are most memorable. We laughs and enjoyed together every time like no other business. 

Below are the pictures we took together during the first year of degree.

                     Trimester 1

 Trimester 2
                                                                                          Trimester 3

Other than that, I choose to share about my "Good Friend" today is because George is the person who taught me how to create a blog. I would like to say thank you and appreciated him to be one of my friend. Last but not least, my message to readers will be "spend more time and enjoy the moments with your love one, do not regret when there is no more chance to be with them". Thank you.

-A special gift to my friend-

George is Wai Jun.
He lives in jungle for 20 years.
He love to eat watermelon and ostrich's eggs.
He has a pair of little, cute, small, and soft ears.


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