Sunday, February 15, 2015

Use of 3R in Human Life

Hi everyone,

I believed that mostly people will know what is 3R.

3R means Reuse, Reduce and Recycle. 

Does everyone know that actually we can use 3R to gain better relationships with others in our lives?

In my point of view, 3R is related to human skills. It helps everyone to be a better person on how to communicate and have a good relationship with others. However, today I would like to focus more on university life as students need to build relationship with each others especially with the group mates.

In a human life, many things happened in positively or negatively and it depends on a person perspective to behave and make decision.

I've experienced before that a friend of mine made a mistake with his negative attitude which quite irritated me. I actually have the right to show my unpleasant feeling, but at last, I chose to forgive. I decided to give a chance, instead of blaming my friend. Just like what "Reuse" stands for, though a thing is not useful anymore or having some flaws we can still take it and make use of it in other effective ways. 

The forgiveness I gave decreased conflict yet created a better relationship. This similar to the meaning of "Reduce", when we remove the unnecessary or unwanted things which may effect in our life, life can become more harmony and peaceful. 

The best thing that I can see is my friend eliminated the negative behavior and our relationship fixed and improved. This as a "Recycle" process, everything need some upgrade so it will become a good thing. Its better to be the one who forgive someone rather than to hate someone.

Thank you.

Sunday, February 8, 2015

The Kite of Life

Dear readers,

Do you know that a KITE is actually an AIRCRAFT ?

Yokaichi Giant Kite Festival is held every May in Higashiomi Shiga, Japan.

 A Kite is consisting of one or more wings tethered to an anchor system. The necessary lift that sustains the kite is generated when air flows above the kite's surface, producing low pressure above and high pressure below the wing. Therefore, flying a kite is actually depends on the wind. 

I have been keep thinking deeply whenever I plays kite. Through this, I learned a lot of being a good person and it impact my life.

Kite is just like our Life.

Without the wind, kite is just nothing. 
We can't force the kite to fly by just running hard to create the manual air pressure for the kite.
At the end, it will fall down to the ground.

This can be relate that "Everything in our life, we should not force ourselves or other people to do anything we wanted." It makes me to be not selfish and think about others first, stand in their shoes and knowing how others feel when they being force to do something that they are not willing to do.

Besides that, I noticed the string that tethered with kite will have high percentage that it will snap if keep pulling the string only. So, flying a kite is not just pulling the string but also to release it so that the kite can balance itself and will maintain flying in the sky.

This same goes to our relationships in life, when arguments occurred, it is best to tolerate with others and try not to argue as it might break the bond of relationships.

Sunday, February 1, 2015

Fast or Slow, It doesn't matter

Today topic is about "Driving".

Hi drivers,

First of all, there are questions I would like to ask.
Is it really matter if you drive fast or slow on the road ?
Will it be dangerous for you and other people when you drive fast ?

It is because...

As I can see nowadays, many people like to drive fast especially youngsters... How fast is it consider fast for them ? 120km/h ? 140km/h ? or 160km/h++ ?!!! 

Why not be a slow driver and drive safe to prevent or avoid accident on the road ? 
Why not think about the people who love and care about you ? 

"It's better to be late, than to arrive ugly."

What is fast and what is slow ?

By the way, I am very happy and appreciated to received a gift from someone that always remind me to drive safe on the road. It is a DIY dream catcher that "live" in my car now. Therefore, it is good to drive slower and safe; not only because of my family or friends but for my own self.

Dream Catcher : Drive Safe !

"Life is only given once by God, appreciate and use it wisely."

Thank you & Drive Safe !