Wednesday, March 25, 2015

The Feels of Life

Hello everyone,

The look in her eyes,
Like stars in the sky.
Shining as bright,
As the sun up high.

The smell of her hair,
And my pillow stink.
It shows no difference,
From the love it brings.

I know she won't believe,
When I compliment her.
I wish that she could see,
The beauty inside her.

Stares at her lips,
Think of kissing them all day.
Her smile, her laugh,
They're so sexy today.

The way she smile,
Makes me run miles.
The way she laughs,
It builds my love.

I feel the heaven,
When she looks at me.
I feel the love given,
When she start talks to me.

She's so adorable,
And I told her everyday.
When she staring at me,
The world stops for a day.

When I see her everyday,
My love will remain unchanged.
She's just amazing today,
My respect for her will not change.

When she is beside me,
I see the light of future.
When she stay with me,
My knowledge just like teacher.

Her presence in my life,
Is the gift to me.
I wish she could stay with me,
Until the end of my life.

By: Irvine Lee

A poem to describe my feelings and thoughts. I couldn't write this without "her" existence in my life. Thanks for being with me and I wish to stay with her forever.

Reference from:
Bruno Mars Lyrics - Just The Way You Are 

Sunday, March 22, 2015

A Love of Life

Hello everyone,

Today, I would like to share a poem about "A Love of Life".

I've been with you,
since I see the light of earth.
I'll forever stand with you,
as long I'm still on this earth.

You gave me a special love,
a never-ending gift.
A love that's always there with me,
if I ever need a lift.

I think of you repeatedly,
missing you everyday.
My love for you is infinitely,
and always sent to your way.

You're never far from the caring,
the love from you in my heart.
No matter how long the distance,
you will try to keep us apart.

A mother's love, your gift,
the gift I'll always received from you.
Without your love,
I will not be who I am today.

I love you,
and will stay with you forever.
As we watch our lives go by,
no matter what you say or do.

By: Irvine Lee

It's actually is my first time wrote poem and I choose to write it to my mom as she is the one who gave me this life. Without her, I won't stand on this earth today. Thank you.

Monday, March 16, 2015

The Green Life

Hello everyone,

My favorite colour is GREEN, but why do I like green ?

Is green represent anything to me?
Is green a good colour ?
Is green reflected me to become something different ?
Why ? I ask myself why do I like green...

Green in a traffic light means that we can move on and go forward. This similar with my life when I just finish my STPM and I get a bad result for it. I feel very down and unhappy that I couldn't make it to any local university; then I went to work in a customer service centre for AirAsia which I spend my time there for 2 years. I always feel left out because almost all of my friends (ex-classmates) are still continue study and I am working at that time.. BUT, I gave myself an opportunity to move away from the customer service centre and came to UTAR to further my studies which is I move forward to achieve other things in my life. 

On the other hand, green colour is a harmony colour and I perceive myself as a botanical enthusiast because I love plants. Plants is actually very independent as they will grow themselves, but they need other resources to grow such as sunlight and water supply. I am just like a green plant, I more likely to be more independent and take care of myself since I reached age of 19. However, I still need morally supports and loves from my family especially my parents as I am a family-oriented person.

Besides that, in a movie called "Shrek", Shrek is a green monster that human dislike him because he is an ogre. But, Shrek never give up on his life and continue to live in the forest. A green monster also represented me as I believed myself is a person that will never give up and do my best to move forward to achieve my goals of life. 

For further imagination, I wish to have a wife just like Fiona in the movie of Shrek that understand and love Shrek so much.

Sunday, March 8, 2015

The Management in Life

Dear readers,

In the past week, I just found out that the word "Management" is quite interesting and meaningful.

And.. today, I would like to play with this word and share my thoughts towards "Management".

I can see that the word "Management" reflected in my life. First of all, "Management" is a combination of few words.. through my point of view, there are words such as manage, men, and a single alphabet of "t". I believed that everyone know the meaning of manage and the "men" is very directly means the guys. However, what is the alphabet "t" stands for ?

In my opinion, the alphabet "t" is actually views as the word "Together". Therefore, the word "Management" will be "Manage Men Together". This means that men are good to be together, but we need to manage and maintain the good relationships so that the group of boys won't be separated into pieces. It's not easy to have such relationships; therefore, I value my friends more especially those close one.

Besides that, the word management without the alphabet "n and t" behind is actually "Manage Me".. it reflected me that myself seriously need to manage my time. Studying in UTAR, I have lack of time to complete every of my assignments and study for exams. Now, I started to use my time wisely and manage time properly so that it won't be wasted.

Thank you.

Sunday, March 1, 2015

The meaning of Lego in my life

Hi everyone,

Today, I would like to share about the Lego in my life.

Since small, I started to play Lego that can assembled and connected in many different ways, to construct such objects as buildings, vehicles and more. 

In my point of view, to build a house using Lego bricks, we need to be careful to connect every single bricks together to form a strong base so that it wont fall easily. It just similar with our life that everything we do must start from below and should do our best to build a strong relationship with others.

On the other hand, to build something using Lego bricks, we need many bricks and make sure that every bricks are well-connected so that it wont loose. It's just like in our life, a good work need good team work and cooperation from everyone. The bond among the team will be tightened. 

When bricks is not match to each other, try to find other bricks which can combine together. When the things we built destroyed, we can still rebuild them. Lego teach me not to give up things easily and build confident in myself. When there are problems, we should face it and find solution to fix or improve the matter. There is nothing that can't be done when issue occurred and the only way is to think and solve it.

The funniest thing that I realized is that I'm a family oriented person since young because I mostly will build houses and include the Lego characters inside the house that represented my family members.

"Yellow, white, green, red and blue
There are black and some see-through.

You can build things very small
Or you could build things wall to wall. 

Aliens, rockets, a castle and king 
You can build most anything.

Legos can be lots of fun 
Lots of fun for everyone."

Thank you.

Poem Retrieved From:
  Fonda Nelson:

The Quality of UTAR

Hello friends,

UTAR actually is Universiti Tak Ada Rehat.

It's my first time to experienced such tiring life in UTAR as I didn't have enough time to rest.
I can't believe that I have been awake for more than 48 hours because of assignments from every subject I took this trimester. 

University life is really not a joke.. it reduced my duration time that use to sleep.
Therefore, NO rest for UTAR students due to pressure of assignments and exams.

But, you know what... I love UTAR very much !

Last time, I have wasted my time doing something that is not useful.
Once I joined UTAR, the quality of "Stress" is worth to spend time on solving and complete our tasks.

Doing assignment is reflecting our life. The more we do, we will become better and its easy when we enter the working life. When do assignments, there are many times my ideas are banned. But, I think its good to ban my ideas because it help me to get more ideas and improve my thinking. It's just like we should explore the world and not just stay in a particular area. 

Somehow, references is to quote the people who provide information for us. It's similar that our parents who guide us on doing things and we should "quote" them to give appreciation to them as we learn things from them. Therefore, we should treat our parents better. 

The feeling of happiness will appear when received good outcome and feedback. The time I spend to come out with a piece of good work is actually not a waste.

Now, I enjoyed doing assignments although I need to sacrificed my sleep time but is worth it I can say.. because I feel relieved and motivated to get more than what I expected.

It is not only I could improve my knowledge in academic, but UTAR assignments reflected my LIFE !!! To become a better person in my life.

"Work hard with no regret !"