Monday, March 16, 2015

The Green Life

Hello everyone,

My favorite colour is GREEN, but why do I like green ?

Is green represent anything to me?
Is green a good colour ?
Is green reflected me to become something different ?
Why ? I ask myself why do I like green...

Green in a traffic light means that we can move on and go forward. This similar with my life when I just finish my STPM and I get a bad result for it. I feel very down and unhappy that I couldn't make it to any local university; then I went to work in a customer service centre for AirAsia which I spend my time there for 2 years. I always feel left out because almost all of my friends (ex-classmates) are still continue study and I am working at that time.. BUT, I gave myself an opportunity to move away from the customer service centre and came to UTAR to further my studies which is I move forward to achieve other things in my life. 

On the other hand, green colour is a harmony colour and I perceive myself as a botanical enthusiast because I love plants. Plants is actually very independent as they will grow themselves, but they need other resources to grow such as sunlight and water supply. I am just like a green plant, I more likely to be more independent and take care of myself since I reached age of 19. However, I still need morally supports and loves from my family especially my parents as I am a family-oriented person.

Besides that, in a movie called "Shrek", Shrek is a green monster that human dislike him because he is an ogre. But, Shrek never give up on his life and continue to live in the forest. A green monster also represented me as I believed myself is a person that will never give up and do my best to move forward to achieve my goals of life. 

For further imagination, I wish to have a wife just like Fiona in the movie of Shrek that understand and love Shrek so much.

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