Sunday, March 1, 2015

The Quality of UTAR

Hello friends,

UTAR actually is Universiti Tak Ada Rehat.

It's my first time to experienced such tiring life in UTAR as I didn't have enough time to rest.
I can't believe that I have been awake for more than 48 hours because of assignments from every subject I took this trimester. 

University life is really not a joke.. it reduced my duration time that use to sleep.
Therefore, NO rest for UTAR students due to pressure of assignments and exams.

But, you know what... I love UTAR very much !

Last time, I have wasted my time doing something that is not useful.
Once I joined UTAR, the quality of "Stress" is worth to spend time on solving and complete our tasks.

Doing assignment is reflecting our life. The more we do, we will become better and its easy when we enter the working life. When do assignments, there are many times my ideas are banned. But, I think its good to ban my ideas because it help me to get more ideas and improve my thinking. It's just like we should explore the world and not just stay in a particular area. 

Somehow, references is to quote the people who provide information for us. It's similar that our parents who guide us on doing things and we should "quote" them to give appreciation to them as we learn things from them. Therefore, we should treat our parents better. 

The feeling of happiness will appear when received good outcome and feedback. The time I spend to come out with a piece of good work is actually not a waste.

Now, I enjoyed doing assignments although I need to sacrificed my sleep time but is worth it I can say.. because I feel relieved and motivated to get more than what I expected.

It is not only I could improve my knowledge in academic, but UTAR assignments reflected my LIFE !!! To become a better person in my life.

"Work hard with no regret !"

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