Thursday, September 3, 2015

Rare Deep Sea Creatures !

Rare Sea Creatures are living with us in some of the deepest parts of our planet.

1. The Viperfish
Due to its mysterious lifestyle, scientists have been unable to record exact figures of Viperfish and do not know about their reproductive habits. However, it is estimated that this species can live anywhere between 30 and 40 years in the wild. They don’t survive very well in captivity, therefore, not much is known about them. Time of day greatly affects the depth these species stay at. In the daytime, Viperfish prefer to stays in deep water at lower depths (up to 9,000 ft) to avoid any direct sunlight. During the night, Viperfish have been known to venture into shallow waters.

A Viperfish varies in color such as green, silver and black. A very distinctive feature of this fish is its massive, fang–like teeth that it uses for immobilizing prey. They are so large that they actually go out of the mouth and are always visible.

The first vertebra behind the head of the Viperfish is known to absorb the shock of its attacks, which are mainly targeted against other small creatures. Besides that, they are able to undergo long periods with no food.

2. The Angler Fish
The angler fish is perhaps one of the most fascinating and bizarre sea creatures. Not only known for its wily hunting techniques, it possessing a spine that grows its own glowing fleshy mass, which the fish wiggles about to lure its prey and ultimately devour. Other than that, the angler fish’s mating habits are rather unique.

The male anglers are smaller size compare to the female. When male anglers do find a female partner, they will quickly bite into the female’s skin and thus fuse them together-so much so that all that is discernible of the male angler fish are two globular growths on the female’s skin, its gonads. From this point, the male’s life literally depends on its female partner, as they share a circulatory system. Finally when the female is ready to mate, the male pays his dues by providing her with sperm on the spot so that she might impregnate herself.

3. The Blobfish
Primarily found in the deep water off of Australia and New Zealand, the blobfish lives at depths of over 1200 meters. Something interesting is that the blobfish is more gelatinous than your grandma’s pudding, the jellylike appearance has captivated the attention of millions over the past several years. So unmistakable is the appearance that it was deemed the world’s ugliest animal in 2013

Why such a flabby appearance? 

As the blowfish calls the high water-pressured bottom of the ocean home, its skin has become about as dense as water over time. 

You might think that the blobfish’s lack of muscle tissue would prove disadvantageous, but you’d be wrong. Imagine a world in which all you had to do to enjoy a fantastic meal was open your mouth and let gravity do its trick. For the blobfish, such a sweet dream is a daily reality. When it comes time to feast, the blobfish’s lack of density means that it doesn’t have to expend any energy in order to eat. Instead, it simply opens its mouth and floats about, noshing on any sea critters that enter its path. What a “Nice life”.

There are more interesting and unique sea creatures out there! Do find it out and know more about deep sea creatures who lives with us on the same planet.

Reference from:

Sunday, August 30, 2015

Without Grandparents, Who Are You?

Do you know that Sunday, 13 September 2015 is “Grandparents Day”? 

It’s a day that we as a grandchild should save the date for our grandparents and spend time with them.

In today’s world, mostly grandparents are more desperate to have people to talk with as they will feel happier and appreciate every single minute you spend with them. This is because the majority young generation are not concern about them at all. Therefore, they will feel lonely and unhappy with negative thoughts stored in their mind set such as they will feel themselves “useless” due to their age and weak physical body condition.

So if your grandparents are still alive, why not you save the date, 13 September 2015 for them? Just spending a day could bring more happiness to them.

By the way, are you aware of Grandparents Day?

Grandparent’s Day is celebrated to honor grandparents for their contribution to our lives, and to give grandparents an opportunity to show love for their children's children. As the number of grandparents continues to grow so does the impact they make on the lives of their grandchildren.

The purpose of the Grandparent's Day was beautifully summarized in the proclamation: "The elders of each family have the responsibility for setting the moral tone for the family and for passing on the traditional values of our Nation to their children and grandchildren. They bore the hardships and made the sacrifices that produced much of the progress and comfort we enjoy today." (Jimmy Carter, President of the United States of America).

There is a special bond that can only be shared between grandchildren and their grandparents.  Grandparents are full of hug and kisses, family history, wisdom, patience, love and guidance.  National Grandparents Day gives the grandchildren the opportunity to show love and appreciation to their grandparents.

The official flower of the U.S. National Grandparents Day is the forget-me-not which blooms in the spring.

Here, I have found a combination of forget-me-not flowers become a "Love shape".

The official flower of National Grandparents Day - Forget Me Not

The official song of the U.S. National Grandparents Day holiday is "Song for Grandma and Grandpa" by Johnny Prill (announced in 2004 by the National Grandparents Day Council of Chula Vista, California).

Here, I have included the "Song for Grandma and Grandpa" from Youtube and song's lyric below. Lets ENJOY it and feel the LOVE !

National Grandparents Day Song
A Song for Grandma and Grandpa

Oh Grandma, Grandpa, you know that I love you
I love all those little things that you say and do
A walk through the park, a trip to the zoo
Oh Grandma, Grandpa I love you

Verse One:
Going to a ball game, fishing on the lake
Eating Grandma's cookies, boy they sure taste great
Going to the circus when it comes to town
Eating cotton candy and laughing at the clowns

Oh Grandma, Grandpa, you know that I love you
I love all those little things that you say and do
A hug and a kiss, a ride home from school
Oh Grandma, Grandpa I love you

Verse Two:
Spending time together, talking on the phone
Happy birthday presents, chocolate ice cream cones
Photographs and memories, picnics and parades
Saying that you love me in so many ways

Oh Grandma, Grandpa, you know that I love you
I love all those little things that you say and do
The stories you tell, things I never knew
Oh Grandma, Grandpa I love you

Words and Music by Johnny Prill

Show your appreciation for everything your grandparents have done for you. Keep them in mind and spend more time with them when they are still here with you. I confirm that you will not regret it if you do so.

Thank you.

Sunday, April 12, 2015

The Only Hero in My Life

Hello All,

The sun awake,
Shine bright to my face.
I feel the heat,
Which make me headache.

My hero arrived,
To save my life.
Without his presence,
I'm always a peasant.

He is my papa,
Husband of my mama.
He has three children,
Tripling his burden.

He is good in painting,
Colorful life he brings.
You'll never see him sitting,
That's why he is not a king.

Papa likes to eat fish head,
When there aren't any, he feels sad.
He always a good dad,
And this makes him so rad.

Nothing can't be solved,
As long as he's there.
He'll be with me all the time,
'Cos forever he is mine.

By : Irvine Lee

Thank you.

Sunday, April 5, 2015

The Care of Life

Hi Friends,

I will be there for you,
When you are unhappy.
I will cheer you up,
When bad days find you.

I care for you,
From what you do.
But your thoughts and views,
I can't control it all.

You do what you feel is right,
Suggestions is all I could do.
When you are suffer in pain,
I will surely help you endure.

Sound of your annoying voice, 
Is like the noise of hyena.
It makes me headache all time,
But that fill my heart with joy.

The friendship we shared,
It's like a gold we found.
Through thick and thin we stand,
We will always be friends.

The past is a memory we can't undo,
The future is all we can look forward to.
I wish to be there by your side,
For all the times you've wept and cried.

What I say from my heart is true,
To reduce the pain you have been through.
Never alone shall you be,
Someday, freedom you will see.

May your hopes are strong,
And dreams will come true.
No matter where you are,
I'll always be there for you.

By : Irvine Lee

"A true friend is someone who knows all about you and still cares you."

Wednesday, March 25, 2015

The Feels of Life

Hello everyone,

The look in her eyes,
Like stars in the sky.
Shining as bright,
As the sun up high.

The smell of her hair,
And my pillow stink.
It shows no difference,
From the love it brings.

I know she won't believe,
When I compliment her.
I wish that she could see,
The beauty inside her.

Stares at her lips,
Think of kissing them all day.
Her smile, her laugh,
They're so sexy today.

The way she smile,
Makes me run miles.
The way she laughs,
It builds my love.

I feel the heaven,
When she looks at me.
I feel the love given,
When she start talks to me.

She's so adorable,
And I told her everyday.
When she staring at me,
The world stops for a day.

When I see her everyday,
My love will remain unchanged.
She's just amazing today,
My respect for her will not change.

When she is beside me,
I see the light of future.
When she stay with me,
My knowledge just like teacher.

Her presence in my life,
Is the gift to me.
I wish she could stay with me,
Until the end of my life.

By: Irvine Lee

A poem to describe my feelings and thoughts. I couldn't write this without "her" existence in my life. Thanks for being with me and I wish to stay with her forever.

Reference from:
Bruno Mars Lyrics - Just The Way You Are 

Sunday, March 22, 2015

A Love of Life

Hello everyone,

Today, I would like to share a poem about "A Love of Life".

I've been with you,
since I see the light of earth.
I'll forever stand with you,
as long I'm still on this earth.

You gave me a special love,
a never-ending gift.
A love that's always there with me,
if I ever need a lift.

I think of you repeatedly,
missing you everyday.
My love for you is infinitely,
and always sent to your way.

You're never far from the caring,
the love from you in my heart.
No matter how long the distance,
you will try to keep us apart.

A mother's love, your gift,
the gift I'll always received from you.
Without your love,
I will not be who I am today.

I love you,
and will stay with you forever.
As we watch our lives go by,
no matter what you say or do.

By: Irvine Lee

It's actually is my first time wrote poem and I choose to write it to my mom as she is the one who gave me this life. Without her, I won't stand on this earth today. Thank you.

Monday, March 16, 2015

The Green Life

Hello everyone,

My favorite colour is GREEN, but why do I like green ?

Is green represent anything to me?
Is green a good colour ?
Is green reflected me to become something different ?
Why ? I ask myself why do I like green...

Green in a traffic light means that we can move on and go forward. This similar with my life when I just finish my STPM and I get a bad result for it. I feel very down and unhappy that I couldn't make it to any local university; then I went to work in a customer service centre for AirAsia which I spend my time there for 2 years. I always feel left out because almost all of my friends (ex-classmates) are still continue study and I am working at that time.. BUT, I gave myself an opportunity to move away from the customer service centre and came to UTAR to further my studies which is I move forward to achieve other things in my life. 

On the other hand, green colour is a harmony colour and I perceive myself as a botanical enthusiast because I love plants. Plants is actually very independent as they will grow themselves, but they need other resources to grow such as sunlight and water supply. I am just like a green plant, I more likely to be more independent and take care of myself since I reached age of 19. However, I still need morally supports and loves from my family especially my parents as I am a family-oriented person.

Besides that, in a movie called "Shrek", Shrek is a green monster that human dislike him because he is an ogre. But, Shrek never give up on his life and continue to live in the forest. A green monster also represented me as I believed myself is a person that will never give up and do my best to move forward to achieve my goals of life. 

For further imagination, I wish to have a wife just like Fiona in the movie of Shrek that understand and love Shrek so much.

Sunday, March 8, 2015

The Management in Life

Dear readers,

In the past week, I just found out that the word "Management" is quite interesting and meaningful.

And.. today, I would like to play with this word and share my thoughts towards "Management".

I can see that the word "Management" reflected in my life. First of all, "Management" is a combination of few words.. through my point of view, there are words such as manage, men, and a single alphabet of "t". I believed that everyone know the meaning of manage and the "men" is very directly means the guys. However, what is the alphabet "t" stands for ?

In my opinion, the alphabet "t" is actually views as the word "Together". Therefore, the word "Management" will be "Manage Men Together". This means that men are good to be together, but we need to manage and maintain the good relationships so that the group of boys won't be separated into pieces. It's not easy to have such relationships; therefore, I value my friends more especially those close one.

Besides that, the word management without the alphabet "n and t" behind is actually "Manage Me".. it reflected me that myself seriously need to manage my time. Studying in UTAR, I have lack of time to complete every of my assignments and study for exams. Now, I started to use my time wisely and manage time properly so that it won't be wasted.

Thank you.

Sunday, March 1, 2015

The meaning of Lego in my life

Hi everyone,

Today, I would like to share about the Lego in my life.

Since small, I started to play Lego that can assembled and connected in many different ways, to construct such objects as buildings, vehicles and more. 

In my point of view, to build a house using Lego bricks, we need to be careful to connect every single bricks together to form a strong base so that it wont fall easily. It just similar with our life that everything we do must start from below and should do our best to build a strong relationship with others.

On the other hand, to build something using Lego bricks, we need many bricks and make sure that every bricks are well-connected so that it wont loose. It's just like in our life, a good work need good team work and cooperation from everyone. The bond among the team will be tightened. 

When bricks is not match to each other, try to find other bricks which can combine together. When the things we built destroyed, we can still rebuild them. Lego teach me not to give up things easily and build confident in myself. When there are problems, we should face it and find solution to fix or improve the matter. There is nothing that can't be done when issue occurred and the only way is to think and solve it.

The funniest thing that I realized is that I'm a family oriented person since young because I mostly will build houses and include the Lego characters inside the house that represented my family members.

"Yellow, white, green, red and blue
There are black and some see-through.

You can build things very small
Or you could build things wall to wall. 

Aliens, rockets, a castle and king 
You can build most anything.

Legos can be lots of fun 
Lots of fun for everyone."

Thank you.

Poem Retrieved From:
  Fonda Nelson:

The Quality of UTAR

Hello friends,

UTAR actually is Universiti Tak Ada Rehat.

It's my first time to experienced such tiring life in UTAR as I didn't have enough time to rest.
I can't believe that I have been awake for more than 48 hours because of assignments from every subject I took this trimester. 

University life is really not a joke.. it reduced my duration time that use to sleep.
Therefore, NO rest for UTAR students due to pressure of assignments and exams.

But, you know what... I love UTAR very much !

Last time, I have wasted my time doing something that is not useful.
Once I joined UTAR, the quality of "Stress" is worth to spend time on solving and complete our tasks.

Doing assignment is reflecting our life. The more we do, we will become better and its easy when we enter the working life. When do assignments, there are many times my ideas are banned. But, I think its good to ban my ideas because it help me to get more ideas and improve my thinking. It's just like we should explore the world and not just stay in a particular area. 

Somehow, references is to quote the people who provide information for us. It's similar that our parents who guide us on doing things and we should "quote" them to give appreciation to them as we learn things from them. Therefore, we should treat our parents better. 

The feeling of happiness will appear when received good outcome and feedback. The time I spend to come out with a piece of good work is actually not a waste.

Now, I enjoyed doing assignments although I need to sacrificed my sleep time but is worth it I can say.. because I feel relieved and motivated to get more than what I expected.

It is not only I could improve my knowledge in academic, but UTAR assignments reflected my LIFE !!! To become a better person in my life.

"Work hard with no regret !"

Sunday, February 15, 2015

Use of 3R in Human Life

Hi everyone,

I believed that mostly people will know what is 3R.

3R means Reuse, Reduce and Recycle. 

Does everyone know that actually we can use 3R to gain better relationships with others in our lives?

In my point of view, 3R is related to human skills. It helps everyone to be a better person on how to communicate and have a good relationship with others. However, today I would like to focus more on university life as students need to build relationship with each others especially with the group mates.

In a human life, many things happened in positively or negatively and it depends on a person perspective to behave and make decision.

I've experienced before that a friend of mine made a mistake with his negative attitude which quite irritated me. I actually have the right to show my unpleasant feeling, but at last, I chose to forgive. I decided to give a chance, instead of blaming my friend. Just like what "Reuse" stands for, though a thing is not useful anymore or having some flaws we can still take it and make use of it in other effective ways. 

The forgiveness I gave decreased conflict yet created a better relationship. This similar to the meaning of "Reduce", when we remove the unnecessary or unwanted things which may effect in our life, life can become more harmony and peaceful. 

The best thing that I can see is my friend eliminated the negative behavior and our relationship fixed and improved. This as a "Recycle" process, everything need some upgrade so it will become a good thing. Its better to be the one who forgive someone rather than to hate someone.

Thank you.

Sunday, February 8, 2015

The Kite of Life

Dear readers,

Do you know that a KITE is actually an AIRCRAFT ?

Yokaichi Giant Kite Festival is held every May in Higashiomi Shiga, Japan.

 A Kite is consisting of one or more wings tethered to an anchor system. The necessary lift that sustains the kite is generated when air flows above the kite's surface, producing low pressure above and high pressure below the wing. Therefore, flying a kite is actually depends on the wind. 

I have been keep thinking deeply whenever I plays kite. Through this, I learned a lot of being a good person and it impact my life.

Kite is just like our Life.

Without the wind, kite is just nothing. 
We can't force the kite to fly by just running hard to create the manual air pressure for the kite.
At the end, it will fall down to the ground.

This can be relate that "Everything in our life, we should not force ourselves or other people to do anything we wanted." It makes me to be not selfish and think about others first, stand in their shoes and knowing how others feel when they being force to do something that they are not willing to do.

Besides that, I noticed the string that tethered with kite will have high percentage that it will snap if keep pulling the string only. So, flying a kite is not just pulling the string but also to release it so that the kite can balance itself and will maintain flying in the sky.

This same goes to our relationships in life, when arguments occurred, it is best to tolerate with others and try not to argue as it might break the bond of relationships.

Sunday, February 1, 2015

Fast or Slow, It doesn't matter

Today topic is about "Driving".

Hi drivers,

First of all, there are questions I would like to ask.
Is it really matter if you drive fast or slow on the road ?
Will it be dangerous for you and other people when you drive fast ?

It is because...

As I can see nowadays, many people like to drive fast especially youngsters... How fast is it consider fast for them ? 120km/h ? 140km/h ? or 160km/h++ ?!!! 

Why not be a slow driver and drive safe to prevent or avoid accident on the road ? 
Why not think about the people who love and care about you ? 

"It's better to be late, than to arrive ugly."

What is fast and what is slow ?

By the way, I am very happy and appreciated to received a gift from someone that always remind me to drive safe on the road. It is a DIY dream catcher that "live" in my car now. Therefore, it is good to drive slower and safe; not only because of my family or friends but for my own self.

Dream Catcher : Drive Safe !

"Life is only given once by God, appreciate and use it wisely."

Thank you & Drive Safe !

Sunday, January 25, 2015

EARTH without ART is EH

Hi ladies and gentleman,

What do you know about "EARTH without ART is EH" ? It's something really amazing right ? This is how we play with the alphabets. EH means there is nothing if EARTH without the alphabets of A,R and T in the middle.

Let us look deeper to the phrase "EARTH without ART is EH". Ask yourself and think what can you relate by using this phrase. Think carefully and you will definitely able to link it to something that you care.

From my brain, the phrase "EARTH without ART is EH" quickly remind me of my family. Firstly, I have my dad, my mom, and two brothers; included myself will be total of five members in my family which I could relate it with the five alphabets, "EARTH". Without my mom and my dad, there will be no ART (3 "useless" kids).

Besides that, the word "EARTH" means a family for me. Without one of the alphabets, it is not consider a perfect family. There are many memorable moments that I spend my time with my family and I really appreciated to have them in my life.

There is a song which I love to hear and reminded me of my love one. It is "You Raise Me Up" by Westlife. There is a part of the lyrics really touched my heart and somehow it express my feeling of love towards my family.

Part of the lyrics that I mentioned:

"You raise me up, so I can stand on mountains;
You raise me up, to walk on stormy seas;
I am strong, when I am on your shoulders; 
You raise me up... To more than I can be."

They raised me up, to be who I am right now. A family is worth more than gold, spend more time with them especially our parents. They will feel happy with you by their side because your presence is the best gift for them. Thank you and I hope you all enjoy the "EARTH".

Saturday, January 24, 2015

Messages got even more FUN with LINE Stickers !

Hello my friends,

Today, I will share with you all about LINE !

Everyone know that LINE is a new communication app to make FREE calls and messages. However, in my opinion, the most important for LINE is their Stickers !!!

Why Stickers ?!! 

LINE Stickers play an important role as the stickers could express users' feelings. This could help users to communication even better with their family, friends and lover.

Nowadays, people love to use Smartphone for FREE app to communicate because it is convenient to everyone, but let us imagine that if there is no more this kind of app that could show our expression although there is no face to face communication ? Don't you think that the conversation will become very dull ?

Below are some examples of LINE stickers and the characters' name.

 Selfie - James

Praying - Moon 

Sudden appeared - Cony

Making Brownie - Brown 

I would like to say that LINE more, can make a relationship become closer especially with those cute stickers that can express our feelings. You may think that it is not true about what I mentioned, but I feel it happened on me because my relationship with my "crush" is getting better now. I even received a special Christmas present from her last year, 2014. The DIY LINE Bookmarks.

LINE Bookmarks

For those who are still single, you may try to use LINE more to communicate with your "targeted" female/male friend. It's just my suggestion for you but let us pray for the outcome together and good luck. Lastly, LINE gave me happiness and I wish it will bring happiness to all of you as well.

Thursday, January 15, 2015

I Love Him but I'm not Gay !

Hello readers, welcome to my blog !

This is my first time created a blog for myself and I would like to take this opportunity to share my feelings toward anything in my LIFE.

For today, I would like to share about "Good Friend" and how I will describe a good friend?

You may think that my good friend is a person who will :-
  • accompany me anytime, 
  • listen to what I say for hours,
  • don't mind spending money on me,
  • face problems together with me,
  • and many more.
However, the most important thing that a "Good Friend" should have is to be able to make you become yourself and will accept who you are.

My story start here...

In my university life when I entered foundation, I met a person who "slightly retarded" just like me that greet each other "Good morning, Hello, Hi, and Bye" ONLY ! It have been a long time that both of us just greet each other especially when we meet in the gents (toilet). But, god gave me a chance to communicate more with him when we entered in a same group for group assignment. Besides that, we even took the same degree course and this make our relationship more closer. And and.. guess what.. he is also "fresh/weak" in Mandarin language. Mostly people will call us as "Banana" because we are not in Chinese educated and do not know how to read or write in Chinese words although both of us are Chinese.

He is a good friend of mine now that know my real attitude which is "a kid that will never grow up". It means that i'm playful and love to jokes around and I believed that he is just the same as me.

The way we interact, act stupid faces, and sing together are most memorable. We laughs and enjoyed together every time like no other business. 

Below are the pictures we took together during the first year of degree.

                     Trimester 1

 Trimester 2
                                                                                          Trimester 3

Other than that, I choose to share about my "Good Friend" today is because George is the person who taught me how to create a blog. I would like to say thank you and appreciated him to be one of my friend. Last but not least, my message to readers will be "spend more time and enjoy the moments with your love one, do not regret when there is no more chance to be with them". Thank you.

-A special gift to my friend-

George is Wai Jun.
He lives in jungle for 20 years.
He love to eat watermelon and ostrich's eggs.
He has a pair of little, cute, small, and soft ears.